LuxureTv (

LuxureTV - Free porn video and extreme sex

The first porn tube which brings together the classic porn, amateur sex and extreme sex. Find all your fantasies, even the most dirty and taboo LuxureTV.

LuxureTV Extreme Porn Site Review

It's "Luxure" not "Luxury". Its name is French but it's not a French porn site. But hey, there's a lot more that you guys need to know about this xxx website aside from its name before you even visit it. We reviewed this site ahead of you so people looking for porn content would know whether they should check out this place or not before they even start setting expectations. Just as I told you about its name, you shouldn't expect anything luxurious about it or its content. Still, it's not enough to assume that you'll find porn content here that's just based on lust or perversion. After all, pornography has always been for the sake of lust. I can't tell you all about LuxureTV though in just a few sentences since you have to hear about its content that doesn't fit into just a few categories and how to use this site to get the most out of the free service it provides, so I thought you people should know everything you need before you leave this page and go directly to Luxure TV to get disappointed, shocked, or excited. Anyway, without further ado, let's continue to the most important thing you need to know about this free porn video website.

A Porn Video Website For SExtremists

First of all, let me get back to the point that, as a porn site named "Luxure," it doesn't really seem appropriate for its name because it is just partly loaded with lust and lechery but mostly brimming with erotic debauchery. This site has a wide variety of porn content including amateur chicks flaunting their bangable bodies, MILFs sucking their milking jugs, gays licking asses, and animated taboo porn videos. However, what will get your attention and maybe even leave a longer-lasting impression on you are its hardcore porn videos. Also, this site doesn't have a content filter based on gender which makes it a mistake for guys who hate gay porn to visit this place. There are lots of extreme gay sex videos that will almost surely catch your attention as soon as you land on this site's homepage so you might want to check your tolerance to certain xxx views before you visit Luxure. However, in most cases, the scenes that might shock you concern crazy girls. There's a video here of a girl pulling out a pretty long cable from her pussy, another crazy chick putting her piss-dripped undies into her mouth, and a lot of sluts playing with cucumbers. The wild stuff here makes this site far from your average smut hub so I strongly suggest that your acceptance for smut should also be not just average. You need a fucking open mind before you use Luxure TV because there are lots of views here that you might wish you could unsee or even wish you could go back in time so you wouldn't have had to see gays fisting each other's assholes, traps, or chicks fucking bottles. But hey, if those absurd acts thrill you, go ahead and continue to LuxureTV. It's free for all adult pervs.

Browsing Through The LuxureTV Collection

You should have heeded my voice when I gave you a warning earlier. LuxureTV does not discriminate with its free hardcore xxx videos. That means you'll see thumbnail images of extreme xxx videos whether you like it or not. There's no feature here that lets users filter the displayed thumbnails which makes it potentially traumatizing for some. There are some cases where users find the images in the categories far more disturbing than those on the homepage. There's quite a significant number of categories here that might trigger you. Like I said multiple times, this site is not like one of those average free porn tube sites you know. Some of the bizarre categories that you can find on the Channels page include Amputated, Brutal Sex, Dwarf, Nappy, Pregnant, and Zoophilia. So, if you don't want to see some shitty stuff, you'd be better off using the categories or visiting other sites instead.

On the other hand, if you're just as deranged as the folks in the community on LuxureTV, you can register for a free account so you can upload your smut clips to get ratings and comments, or post your comments and give your ratings to the scenes here. With that said, it usually takes a few days for the collection here to get updated. Unlike most porn tube sites, this one seems to get most of its clips from users. Anyway, it will take you several days or even weeks to see everything on this website. Aside from categories, you can sort its xxx video collection using the sorting options on the menu such as Top Rated, Most Viewed, Longest, and Most Discussed. Still, I suggest using the sorting feature if you're not trying to avoid seeing anything. Most titles won't give you clues on what you'll see once you start watching the videos but the thumbnails should give you some idea and the ratings should be able to somehow tell you whether you're about to see some good shit or bad shit. Each thumbnail also shows the total number of views a video has and how long it is. Most of them are clips so don't wonder why the time stamp on each of them shows only a few seconds.

LuxureTV Review Summary

With everything that I told you about LuxureTV, I'm sure you'll agree with me that rating this website "extreme" is a given. It's not like one of those extreme porn sites that have fucked-up grotesque videos though. LuxureTV is still all about sex... or more like fucking. Anyway, if you ask me whether LuxureTV is a good extreme xxx site or not, I'd say that it's not bad. It's free and it has lots of bizarre X-rated scenes but it still needs a lot of work. It would be great if it could let users filter what they're about to see. Anyway, whether you'd like this site or not, you might still want to check out other sites on our extreme porn list for days when LuxureTV doesn't have new smut.


  • tons of free extreme porn videos


  • mostly short clips
  • too many ads
  • doesn't get regularly updated

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