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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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She looks crazy
It apparently goes against terms of service to act like a lewd slut on TikTok but they also regularly allowed underage girls to post whatever the fuck they want without consequences

My theory is they take down lewd dance videos to create a sense of desperation in users because you never know when something good is gone forever so better check TikTok daily.
Saw this vid with scenes of the Same girls getting laid(or look Alike) anyone does have it ?
Who's the girl in blue?

Mammaries. The larger the better. Getting fucked, fondling, tit fucking doesnt matter any thing is fine as long as big tits are involved
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>The lyrics of that song are ridiculous!
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it's a fucking sin that we don't have a video of this bitch being fucked. JESUS CHRIST
>doesn’t know how to use green text
R*ddit is more your speed faggot

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Dick flash

because its fun
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doesn't care. she's seen bigger, lol
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I think he's pretty dark-skinned so it doesn't even register it's a dick and not part of his clothing or something.
I think these are staged, the jerking off and playing with should be a give away.
They aren't. For some reason there's a bunch of videos where the girls just don't notice.

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White Men enjoying African Queenz
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Ok, you prove that you deserve her name : Jenny Pretinha.
Just recently started going out with a black girl. I can already attest to 1, 4, 5, and 6
I'm surprised at the racist comments I've spurted out which only seem to make her wetter. She worships me and isn't ashamed to tell me. I'm utterly flabbergasted
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Dank webms with underdevelopers.
That includes:
-cerebral palsy
-Down syndrome
-cystic fibrosis
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Delirium tremens?
This aint a feel thread
why does he look like that guy from megamind
Rent free, nigger.

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>but if you can at least manage to not be a man child that's good
you make it sound like that's completely up to yourself. radical individualism is bogus. we're creatures of the environment. our great ability to adept is one of the, if not the, main reason for our survival and quick development. I'm not saying there's no free will but if you grow up in a hostile environment you're much more likely to fail.
I wonder if a shitbull would latch on.
at least this guy is doing it to get money. If things went right he got back the money spent and can sell the thing too right after filming
>I am so getting pussy after this
he actually ended up with her

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Girl poop is fertilizer for the real man's soul. Nothing beats a healthy girl turd in that regard, Diarrhea makes for a good cleanup session but it's ultimately not a signifier of good health
>Too short for feet to touch the floor
This "fetish" stops being disgusting and starts being silly when you realize how fake it all is. It's not even attemping to be realistic or genuine. I'm willing to bet the only real scat in this thread is this OP video with Argendana.
Anyone have something where the guy eats the poop out of a chick's ass, and then fucks her in the ass.
I'm not at all submissive. So the toilet slave thing doesn't do it for me.
But the idea of needing to get the shit out of the way so you can do anal sounds good.
>flushing so no one hears her plops
Just have longer turds, idiotic female.

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Post cope
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look at the case in california, woman stabs boyfreind to death, stabs him 106 times. claims "weed induced psychosis" who the fuck murders on weed, that is the saddest fucking excuse I have ever heard. she fucking walked. 2 years probation.

another case, a woman shot her husband in the back, while he was sleeping after they had an argument about how she ran them 50,000 in the hole. admitted it. but her father was rich and hired a good lawyer, after the lawyer got involved, she started claiming he was abusive. the abuse: made her wear a wig and stripper boots while they had sucks. according to a jury of 75% women who were crying, that justified murder. 4 year sentence, given, time served and probation. the man had three young kids with her. fuck the courts.
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i'm good with my self-imposed inceldom and isolation. deranged slut-ape. that is like 90% of women now, and the other 10% are taken. imagine interacting with a deranged slut-ape like that for any amount of time, no thanks
what a fucking retard

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Females only, no men at all in any way WHATSOEVER
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this tooo
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Sauce pls ??

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Its been a few minutes
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holy fuck that's insanely good do you have any more
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Do you have the full length one? Been looking for a while.
Can someone make one of these for Maisie Williams?
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Things either featuring incels or discussing incels
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Loser mindset. Even the ugliest men can get into stable intimate relationships with beautiful women by not being miserable pieces of shit.
Way to miss the point my dude. Sex in an intimate relationship is not transactionable. You don't put kindness tokens in and get pussy in exchange. There is no "social interaction that **earns** you sex." You have to be emotionally aware and mature enough to maintain a close relationship with someone else. You will never attain that level while immersing yourself in a community of hate and misery. Get professional help, it can help you get out of your loser mindset.
Why is that, what exactly am I projecting?
>Muh lOsEr MiNdSeT
Spray your fucking face already

Come on dude, you can't possibly fully believe this shit.

Looks (particularly height/hair/face) are hugely important. The most important factors by far, personality can't make up for no looks.
You just lack experience with those girls and can't understand why would any (sane) man avoid them. Date one and you will know.

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We need more threads bullying these mentally ill faggots into suicide, the 41% needs to become 100%.

Deus vult.

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homosexuals and trannies have opposite goals
troons want to erase sexual orientation, sneak men into women spaces, women into men spaces, and then cancel you for not being into them because they're not real men/women
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jews have made physical eunuchs AND chemically induced eunuchs for THOUSANDS of years. hell their own religion is first and foremost famous for its circumcision. But once you recognize they ONLY castrate their slaves/enemies... it makes sense.
Part 2 ruined it with retarded feminist humor
They're fat and ugly irl, right?

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Show people of any gender wrecking their shithole.
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nice solo show
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133 replies and 76 images omitted. Click here to view.
Where's the funny stuff?
Its not a lack of self awareness, its a lack of fucks given faggot. Threads already shit, why not smear more on the wall?
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Horrific thread, I didn’t lose and I’m very rizzable. What an egregious sense of humor you people have, random facial expressions and gore? Just awful.

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